BARACK OBAMA AND MITT ROMNEY SAID WHAT this week? What is wrong with these people? Let's go to the videotape in deferring to one man who knows his historyIsraeli, American AND Islamicthe formidable Benjamin Netanyahu, the only Winston Churchill caliber statesman on the scene in the West today.
What we have here is not a failure to communicate, but a failure of nerve to defend what is the resilient nature and exercise of liberty sprung free from the constraints of a misnamed social construction called political correctness.
If only America had such a leader right now...
But as long as some of the more duplicitous "agents of change" around the horn are quoting Majid Khadouri's War and Peace in the Law of Islam to further their idea that Islam is just another religion, let's start small to see if those same Islamic apologists can twist and gnarl these excerpts into a generously perfumed bouquet with which to flummox the West:
"The state which is regarded as the instrument for universalizing a certain religion must perforce be an ever expanding state. The Islamic state, whose principal function was to put God’s law into practice, sought to establish Islam as the dominant reigning ideology over the entire world. It refused to recognize the coexistence of non-Muslim communities, except perhaps as subordinate entities, because by its very nature a universal state tolerates the existence of no other state than itself. Although it was not a consciously formulated policy, Muhammad’s early successors, after Islam became supreme in Arabia, were determined to embark on a ceaseless war of conquest in the name of Islam. The jihad was therefore employed as an instrument for both the universalization of religion and the establishment of an imperial world state. [page 55]
"Thus the jihad may be regarded as Islam’s instrument or carrying out its ultimate objective by turning all people into believers, if not in the prophethood of Muhammad (as in the case of the dhimmis), at least in the belief in God. The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have declared “some of my people will continue to fight victoriously for the sake of the truth until the last one of them will combat the anti-Christ.” Until that moment is reached the jihad, in one form or another, will remain as a permanent obligation upon the entire Muslim community. It follows that the existence of a dar al-harb is ultimately outlawed under the Islamic jural order; that the dar al-Islam is permanently under jihad obligation until the dar al-harb is reduced to non-existence; and that any community which prefers to remain non-Islamicin the status of a tolerated religious community accepting certain disabilitiesmust submit to Islamic rule and reside in the dar al-Islam or be bound as clients to the Muslim community." [page 64]
Thanks to "gmccal" for these snippets. This book is an invaluable resource for those finally waking to the act that a seventh century ideology has no place in the 20th century without serious reforms. The book, according to my source, is organized as follows:
Book 1 Fundamental Concepts of Muslim Law
Chap 1. Theory of the State
a. Society and the State
b. The Juridical Basis of the State
c. A Divine Universal Nomocracy
Chap 2. Nature and Sources of Law
a. Customary Law and Islamic Law
b. Nature of Islamic Law
c. Sources of Law
d. Schools of Law
e. The Shia Doctrine
Chap 3. The Muslim Law of Nations
Book II The Law of War: The Jihad
Chap 4. Introduction
Chap 5. The Doctrine of Jihad
a. The Meaning of Jihad
b. Jihad as Bellum Justum
c. Jihad as Permanent War
d. The Shi'i and Khariji Doctrines of the Jihad
e. The Jihad and Secular War
Chap 6. Types of Jihad
a. The Jihad Against Polytheists
b. The Jihad Against Apostasy
c. The Jihad Against Baghi (an attempt at dissention)
d. The Jihad Against Deserters and Highway Robbers
e. The Jihad Against Scripturaries (Jews, Sabians and Christians)
f. The Ribat (Safeguarding the frontiers of dar al'Islam)
Chap 7. Military Methods
a. The Jihadists
b. Command of the Jihadists
c. Conduct of Fighting
Chap 8. The Initiation of War
a. The Call for Fighting
b. Necessity of "Invitation"
c. Negotiation
Chap 9. Land Warfare
a. Prohibited Acts
b. Treatment of Enemy Prisoners
c. Spies
d. Treatment of the Dead
Chap 10. Maritime Warfare
a. Islam and Sea Power
b. Muslim Law and the Sea
c. Rules and Practices of Naval Warfare
d. Naval Organization
Chap 11. Spoils of War
a. Meaning and Nature of the Spoils
b. Division of the Spoil
c. Immovable Property
d. Prisoners of War
e. Slaves
Chap 12.Termination of Fighting
Book III The Law of Peace
Chap 13. Introduction
Chap 14. Jurisdiction
a. Persons: Believers
b. Persons: Kafirs (Unbelievers) and Murtadds (Apostates)
c. The Head of State: The Imam
d. Muslim Territory: Dar al-Islam
e. Classification of Muslim Territory
Chap 15. Foreigners in Muslim Territory: Harbis and Musta'mins
a. Foreigners and Muslim Law
b. The Harbi (One who belings to dar al-harb)
c. The Aman (Pledge of Security)
d. The Muista'min;s Rights and Obligations
e. Termination of Aman
f. Importance of Aman
Chap 16. Muslims in Non-Muslim Territory
a. Non-Muslim Terriroty: Dar al Harb
b. Conduct of the Muslim in a Non-Muslim Territory Under Aman
c. Conduct of the Muslim in Non-Muslim Territory Without Aman
d. Muslim Prisoners
Chap 17. Status of Dhimmis
a. Islam and Non-Muslim Subjects
b. Meaning of Dhimmi
c. Dhimmi Compact with Muhammad
d. The Legislation of "Umar
e. Jizya and Kharaj
f. The Covenant of `Umar
g. Dhimmi Rights and Obligations
h. Conclusion
Chap 18. Treaties
a. Treaty Making Power
b. Legal Nature of Treaties
c. Prophet Muhammad's First Treaty
d. The Hudaybiya Treaty
e. Dhimmi Pacts as Constitutional Charters
f. Muslim Treaties Under Muhammad's Successors
g. General Characteristics of Treaties
h. Termination of Treaties
Chap 19. Commercial Relations
a. Islam and Commerce
b. Non-Muslim Trade with Dar al'Islam
c. Muslim Trade with Dar al'Harb
d. Significance of Foreign Trade
Chap 20. Arbitration
a. Arbitration Before Islam
b. Islam and Arbitration
c. Arbitration between Ali and Mu'awiya
d. Significance of Arbitration
Chap 21. Diplomacy
a. Muslim Conception of Diplomacy
b. Emissaries
c. Reception of Emissaries
d. Functions of Diplomatic Missions
e. Muslim Diplomacy and World Politics
f. Importance of Diplomacy
Chap 22. Neutrality
a. Islam and Neutrality
b. The Status of Ethiopia
c. Nubia
d. Cyprus
Chap 23. Epilogue
a. Changes in the Character of Dar al'Islam
b. Recognition of Christendom by Islam Under Ottoman Rule
c. Christendom's Attitude Toward the Ottoman Empire
d. The Ottoman Empire and the Modern Law of Nations
e. Integration of Islam into the Family of Nations
f. The Secularism of Law and State
g. Conclusion
Glossary of Terms
Bibliography (Supplies the original sources and the
fundamental "modern" studies that have a direct
bearing on the subject of war and peace in Islam)
Over all, this 1955 publication, reprinted in June of 2007, will be an invaluable reference for contemporary analysts and researchers who dare to resist the disinformation and propaganda that is emanating from all ends of the globe about the historical, and now revived threat this pernicious Islamic ideology presents to civilization.
Labels: Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, jihad, Mitt Romney, Muslims, peace, political correctness, politically-incorrect, war
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