Saturday, September 15, 2007


Unfortunately, many strong forces prevent Muslim cooperation in working with Western authorities. With thanks to Traeh Lewis in no particular order:

1. family solidarity
2. fear of violent retaliation by jihadists
3. fear of violent retaliation by families of those turned in
4. fear of ostracizing by the Muslim community
5. sympathy with jihadist goals (rule by Islamic law), if not with jihadist methods
6. sympathy with jihadist methods and goals

These six categories of influence, in varying proportions for varying Muslims, are informing the hearts and minds of the vast majority of Muslims from cooperating with Western authorities. Note that in the UK, polls have shown that some 50% of the Muslim population fits into category #5.

Oh, the gall to even attempt to address this issue without reaching down into my pockets for a handful of jizyah, like our governments continue to do with millions of foreign aid to these hapless cultures, and let’s not forget that just posting this makes me a xenophobic, intolerant, racist bastard. I am counting the minutes before hearing these epitaphs used to shout down the detractors of this bill, even from members of my own family and friends. Tsk, tsk...

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