Thursday, September 13, 2007


"They are prepared, once having established a country, to fight other countries, killing people in the pursuit of unifying the states into one state." says Majid Nawaz, the British-Islamic defector who was raised on 1990s hip-hop and by liberal Muslim parents. A son of an engineer, Nawaz has come to realize the pure evil of the movement he once helped organize.

Truth or deception? I guess we can know for sure, if and only if the death threats and fatwahs pile high against him. But then, given the suicidal martyr complex of these radicals, how can one ever be sure that this is not simply the next phase of lulling the enemy infidel back to sleep? Nevertheless, it does a heart good, even if the mind is unpersuaded that this man is a true defector from this death cult.

By his fruits...

"I believe we are in a clash of civilizations," said Tancredo. "Terror is a tactic but not the thing we are at war with. We are at war with radical fundamentalist Islam."

—Rep. Tom Tancredo

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