Sunday, March 25, 2007


Solutions. Recent history offers us a few choice examples of practical reactions to an enemy within. From the ever vigilant Hugh Fitzgerald, a primary contributor to the Jihad Watch website:

Fatalism is not supposed to be a European trait. One usually speaks of "Oriental fatalism" and by that is meant not something to be found in the Far East, but among Muslim peoples. Inshallah-fatalism doesn't look good on non-Muslims.

In 1946—surely the Austrian minister recalls—7 million (or was it even fewer?) Czechs (that is, Czechs and Slovaks) expelled from Czechoslovakia 3-3.5 million ethnic Germans. They did so because, before the war, under Heinlein, the leader of the "Sudeteners" (the Germans who lived in the "southland"—that is in Czechoslovakia, all along the border—and who became for Hitler such a useful cause. All through 1938 he could hardly speak of anything else except the supposedly cruel treatment of the "Sudeteners" by the Czech government. Nazi agents gave Heinlein orders: start riots, so that when the Czech police put down those riots, their actions will be depicted as those of "brutal" Czechs "suppressing" the "Sudeteners" who were merely "demanding their legitimate rights." And so they did, and so the papers, including the London Times, reported, and so was Czechoslovakia, in truth the most advanced, tolerant state in all of Eastern or Central Europe, had its name blackened in the very countries that would find such blackening made it easier for their leaders to betray the Czechs at Munich. And those pictures of Heinlein's parents, so gemutlich (you can find an example in the Life Magazine anthologies—the aging mother and father of Heinlein, in their cottage, a picture taken by Marguerite Bourke-White). Tugs at the heart strings, if you don't know better.

During the war, the ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia were treated, like ethnic Germans in other conquered lands, as "Volksdeutsche," and given the food rations of Germans (as opposed to what the non-Germans got) and otherwise were, so many of them, treated so very well and, in return, were happy to collaborate with their fellow members of the Deutschtum.

After the war, Masaryk (Tomas, son of the even more famous Tomas who founded modern Czechoslovakia in 1919) and Benes and every other thinking Czech, was determined that, even though Germany lay in ruins, never again would the people of Czechoslovakia have to take a chance, never again would they have to endure such a threat to their security. And they decided to expel all of the ethnic Germans, and did so. It was the famous Benes Decree, or rather one of the series of Benes Decrees, that removed what was correctly perceived as a potential threat, and removed it forever.

No one objected in Czechoslovakia. Not then and not later. Not General Ludovik Svoboda. Not the poet Jaroslav Seifert. Not Aleksandr Dubcek of the Prazhskaya vesna or "Prague Spring." Not Pavel Kohout. Not Vaclav Havel. Not Milan Kundera. Nor did anyone outside Czechoslovakia. Not Churchill or Truman or De Gaulle or later, Attlee or De Gasperi or anyone at all, not a single figure, not a writer, not a statesman, no one, in New York or London, or Paris or Rome, dropped a single tear, objected with a single syllable, to the removal of the ethnic Germans—3-3.5 millino of them—removed, expelled, virtually overnight. Indeed, the only people who have objected at all ahve been right-wing revanchiste groups in Germany and Austria. And even if there were injustices done, that is because in all of politics, when large groups and not individuals are being considered, there will necessarily be some who should not have been considered part of the affected class. It is the the perennial problem, both of politics and law.

Why does one refer to the Benes Decree? Why does one note the absence of moral objection? Because what the Czechs, and the Poles, and man other countries did, expelling ethnic Germans after the war, because of what happened during the war, or what they reasonably foresaw, given the history of the past century, of a threat that might recur, could happen again.

Now an unheard-of event has happened. The source, the center, of Western civilization, Europe, could be transformed, and its entire legacy of art, science, and mental freedom, its achievements in every area, not one of which could have possibly occurred in the Lands of Islam, where "Islam dominates and Muslims rule," could be inherited by the wrong people, who cannot possibly understand, much less have any desire to preserve, them—Muslims, who will have conquered only because Europeans compounded the initial error of admitting large numbers of them into their midst, and now, because of fashions in behavior and thought, are unwilling to do what would have seemed so obvious and so right not a thousand years ago, but merely sixty years ago, in 1946, in that most advanced and tolerant of Western lands, led by two of the products of high European civilization, Tomas Masaryk and Eduard Benes.

The current leaders of Europe who are unwiling to study Islam and to grasp its meaning, who refuse to see what a threaat it is, however packaged or smoothly presented by some smiling tariq-ramadans, should make way for those who have a sense of what can be lost, and take a more rational, and some would say—quite incorrectly—a harder view, precisely to the extent that they are passionately attached to, and know about, that civilizational legacy. But if you have no idea what it is in the first place, then it won't matter, and you will be happy to throw in your lot, or will not realize what you have inherited and what needs to be protected.

Plassnik deserves no quarter. But then, there are so many plassniks all over the place. They should be, possibly, in prison for treason. Instead, they are in power.

It is an incredible thing: it is all happening right before our eyes, and we cannot as yet find the leaders able to see this, and willing to do something.


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