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In Washington yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice "called incentives offered to Iran in 2006 to curb its nuclear program 'very generous' but would not say whether she was open to sweetening them." She said she "could not substantiate Iran's statement that it ha[d] begun installing 6000 new centrifuges at its uranium-enrichment plant and faulted Iran for not having accepted what she called a 'reasonable' offer" of incentives by the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany aimed at discouraging Ahmadinejad's government from advancing its nuke-development program.
Those "jizya incentives" should be stopped, immediately and permanantly, Ms. Rice, with all due respect. Graft does not work with these people. In fact, this payola scheme is just one more reason why these Islamic thugs call this government corrupt. Hence, this mention. Ahmadinejad also "advised" western powers to repent or, "otherwise Iranians will hoist their flag on the roof of their buildings."
Money cannot buy off heir religion of peace. When is the State Department going to understand this most basic fact about Islam?
Russia. China. Are you listening?
'Corrupt powers', in Islamspeak, means ALL non-Muslim polities that reject Islam, that refuse to pay jizya, that have their own non-Muslim rulers, and insist on living by their own laws and their own ideas rather than grovelling to the Arab/Muslim uebermenschen. Polities whose women run around 'uncovered'. Entities whose people paint, and sculpt, and dance in mixed company, and make music.
The Russian people are mostly Russian Orthodox Christians; most of the rest are atheists. By definition, Islam wants Russia converted, dhimmi, or dead. Russian, you are in the crosshairs. Not just the USA and Israel, you!
China is officially atheist, having suppressed jihadists in the western provinces. Among China's population are Christians, and Buddhists and Taoists who are anathema to Islam. China in Ahmadinejad's crosshairs. And he really does not care if he survives a nuclear exchange. Got that? He really does not care.
Bear and Dragonwake up. Give room to the Eagle and the Lion of Judah, and smash Iran's nuclear project alreadybefore you find yourselves with millions of dead, and poisonous radiation blowing all around the world. Ahmadinejad, we are convinced, considers the nuclear bomb as the means by which he will 'clean' the earthjust like Mohammed said, 'the earth was made a place for me to clean'.
He and the ayatollahs are hurrying, with slobbering haste, to create as many nukes as they possibly can; and then they will use them, first on Israel, then on the west, then on everyone else; and if others retaliate, we don't think they carethe driving agenda is 'slay and be slain' in the cause of "allah" [may its name be erased].
"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
Winston Churchill
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