Tuesday, March 11, 2008


"Many of the posts on this thread show a tragic lack of Christian compassion and human decency," wrote Big Luke in his usual off-topic manner.

A reply by Stendec states the case perfectly. Unfortunately, the clarity of our position is all too often vulgarized by the dangerous, romantic, childlike chantings of an endless stream of hardcore peaceniks and proto-Marxists marching the streets against those on the frontlines of our nation's defense. To this stripe of spurious dreamer, the only enemy on this wild, ferocious planet is us, people in America who don't like what's happening in the world, nor do we expect that we can change it all in the twinkling of a cobra's eye...

But Stendac is correct. The true enemy of our national interest is relentless, and while I may pine, cajole, and beg our troops to leave Iraq, I also realize that I as a low-ranking private citizen will never be privy to all requisite information at any given juncture of this war dialectic now waged against the Islamic assymmetric war machine. And even in the event of a Ron Paul-styled pullout, there are many other actions that I would pursue vigorously to help insure the present and future safety of our citizens, internal actions like iron-clad border control and immigration reforms, a surge in homeland national defense preparations, nationwide county by county civil defense programs instituted, perhaps even allowing for a national ID system and a draft. All of which would be decried by these very same "peace at any cost" folks, who seem to fear nobody on the planet but the United States Government.

Stendac, please...

In my view, true compassion and human decency requires that the cult of Islam be destroyed.

If one cares about Muslims as fellow human beings, he will strive to rescue them from their entrapment in the cult. That rescue can only be accomplished, ultimately, by discrediting and destroying the cult's ideology, as JSLA outlined.

Islam must be exposed for what is. It must be publicly condemned, resisted, defanged, and completely demolished. Those who act to perpetuate this cult of brigandage—by apologizing for it, by propping up Islamic governments, or by tolerating their societal dysfunctions in the name of cultural sensitivity—are only prolonging and spreading the human misery.

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