Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Pelosi is pushing this resolution business for Armenian votes in her district, not out of some beckoning sense of right and wrong.

I'm sorry, but any other notion of fairness in motive is just too much of a stretch for the contemporary American politician. The Democrats tried to vote down the Iraq war and failed as soon as the rubber met the pavement. Yes, dear, life is more complicated than simply pulling one's thumb out of one's oriface of choice. So they now attempt to circumvent an action just beginning to succeed, even according to the Washington Post, by tanking its relationship with shaky ally Turkey, negligible hosts to the strategic geographical supply complex this unfortunate but now necessary war requires in a volatile region seething with intent to destroy not only its perceived non-Muslim enemies, but its own rival factions within Islam itself, thus threatening to ignite the powderkeg of the whole Middle East and beyond.

Of course, Turkey's official behavior on this issue of the Armenian genocide is ridiculous, but very predictable, given its longstanding official stance of denial. Pelosi, however, ignoring many other genocides much worse—has encouraged in thought and deed the effort to sabotage the current government. As one Democratic strategist has stated:

Any success in Iraq now is, of course, a threat to us.

The US can probably set up camp again with extra expense and reduced forces in Iraq to help resettle in nearby Bulgaria, a country that has fought back against its Turkish neighbors in the past, or simply move more fully into the north of Iraq. Neither of these options are without pitfalls. Bulgaria is northwest of Turkey, further still from Iraq, and north Iraq may prove problematic with the Kurds themselves, ungrateful as all Muslim peoples tend to be. And I haven't even hinted at what Turkey and Iran, not to mention huge swarths of Iraqis want to do to the Kurds.

But as much as I hate this war for a myriad of reasons, it is also as clear as the predictable Turk action on this congressional motion, that if US forces abruptly withdraw from Iraq, Iran will quickly act to conquer it, and there will be a million dead on the ground before the cock can crow. Turkey and Saudi Arabia and Syria, each with their own agendas, will then invade from all sides to fight iran.

Speculation on WWIII with cease in face of an obvious shuffling of the military deck chairs around the globe as oil supplies are disrupted, and then one can expect to see whoever in in the White House to begin bombing the hell out of something and everything.

Turkey, whose squalid past should certainly be open to censure, is one issue. But what really needs scrutiny is the driving force behind the Armenian genocide of 1915-18 (and the earlier one of 1894-96), which was not Turkish nationalism but Muslim supremacism, rooted in the scripture and traditions of Islam. As dhimmis striving to get out from under Muslim rule, the Armenian Christians committed the ultimate transgression in Muslim eyes—yet in covering this persnickety issue the media never mentions Islam at all. Nor has Congress, for all of its grandstanding, done so either.

Want to end a war, Nancy? Well, thanks for the Turkey shoot, but I don't think your aim is true.

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