Sunday, February 04, 2007


Or is this a nod for radical centrism, an ideology we advocate here at the Scenewash Project. Consider this lengthy and probing essay by the often marginalized British Nationalist Party's Nick Griffin— comprehensive and well-written, provocative and reasonably-inspired, click here for the full essay: By Ye Fruits Ye Shall Know Them. But here's a sneak preview:

First of all, let's recap on just how many positions we take which are diametrically opposed to the neo-con agenda:

1) We are against the war in Iraq;

2) We are against overseas military adventures generally (though sending an SAS platoon to arrest and hang Robert Mugabe, and halt the persecution and extermination of the last white Rhodesians would be the exception to prove the rule);

3) We don't want to export our political system to the Third World;

4) We don't believe in imposing our economic system by force;

5) We don't believe in multi-culturalism;

6) We don't believe in laissez-faire economics domestically;

7) We oppose international free trade;

8) We don't believe in 'propositional nations';

9) We don't seek to impose Western culture on the whole world.

This final point leads us, in passing, to note the fundamental similarity between Islam and neo-conservatism, whereby both favour one all-encompassing global system, against which resistance is regarded as immoral heresy, and whose triumph will usher in the 'end of history'.

One or two of these points certainly bear more discussion, but this is a compelling start to fixing what ails our nations, all nations in fact, struggling under global assault and seemingly hell-bent on implosion regardless of its cultural and historical belief system.


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