Friday, November 10, 2006


This is why Jihadists worldwide love the UN. Muslims use the UN as a battering ram against Israel and the USA. The UN is less than worthless in its role as peacekeeper. Worthless would mean the UN would look the other way as both sides violate its resolutions. But as usual, they blatantly favor one side.

The routine goes like this. The media reports that the French UN forces almost fired on flyover Israeli jets in southern Lebanon, indicating once again that the UN peacekeepers will enforce nothing in the UN cease fire resolution that impacts on Hezbollah who is busy re-arming to match its strong vitriolic sloganeering, but they will go to "couragious" lengths in trying to enforce the restraints put on Israel as French officials announced yesterday that "thanks to the sangfroid of French soldiers...our troops barely avoided a catastrophe."

Really? I would have thought the French soldiers knew perfectly well the Israelis had no intention of firing on them, or indeed firing at all. If it took "sangfroid" to refrain from firing, rather than mere common sense, then someone is keeping a secret about French loyalties.

The self-congratuling statement was further reduced to comic relief when one online wit summed up the prevailing French attitude—as grotesque. The bravery of inaction. Awards ceremony forthcoming.

More response to the incident from a fellow who calls himself Ronin writes:

"This persitant problem actually has a very simple solution. The Palestinians want their own state and France apparently thinks they deserve it and are willing to risk their troops if necessary. All we have to do is declare France the New Palestine. I for one would kick in a few bucks in the name of world peace (to help move them). The French get their wish and become a Muslim safe haven. The Palestinians get their own state. Israel gets some much needed breathing room. The USA can take none of the credit. Everyone wins."

These French "peacekeepers" are so concerned about Hezbollah's ability to freely operate within Lebanon, to the point of claiming that they'll fire upon Israeli planes. Meanwhile, their OWN COUNTRY is being eaten from the inside by "angry, disenfranchised youths" (Jihadists).

Insanity is prevailing in France. They hate the US so much that they've rejected all aspects of our country, to the detriment of their own national and cultural self-interests. They've rejected the US to the point of embracing our enemies—who are in the process of weakening beyond all recognition their own nation.

The French leadership appear to have gone completely mad. At least they fought in World War II. They were quite poorly led, using antiquated strategies leading to their quick defeat, but they fought for a few weeks against the Nazi blitzkreg.

Now, they won't even acknowledge that there's a war raging within their own borders. They're incapable of grasping their nation's future hangs in the balance, as it burns before their very eyes. They've gone stark-raving mad.

As I see it France has two possible futures—Sharia or Communism, both of their own making and with the latter probably following the former.


Blogger Gabriel Thy said...

Indeed! There's a spirit of confusion spiked with a heavy dose of self-destruction in the world today, and how quickly it came upon us, is remarkable.

January 30, 2007 at 1:29 PM  

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